Quality Policy
Arya hi-tech Energies is dedicated to attain global leadership in the area of renewable energy. Our responsibility is to provide clean, viable, innovative and cost effective energy solutions based on renewable sources by producing goods of the higher quality through efficient use of available resource and contribute to the reduction of global warming.
We committed to attain customer satisfaction by maintaining honesty and integrity to our customer and will act in a manner of benefiting their trust of our business. We will continually improve our Quality Management System through effective team work of our employees.
- Ensure that safety and long term health of our employees and other individuals that may be affected by our activities receives equal priority with our business objectives.
- Maintain safety standards through safety training, encouraging interest and enthusiasm in safety and developing personal responsibility for safety rests with the safety management of the company and the safety matters are held in equal importance to other business objectives.
- Ensure that clear communication systems exist for all health & safety issues through structured meetings, presentations and publications.
- Undertake assessments to ensure that the competence of all our employees in performing their respective roles.
- Use the investigation of accidents and incidents as a management tool to provide analytical details and to identify inadequacies in management control.
Encourage all employees to contribute to the management of ARYA HI-TECH ENERGIES Safety procedures.